Components with Celsius input and/or output
The components of this package are provided for the convenience of people working mostly with Celsius units, since all models in package HeatTransfer are based on Kelvin units.
Note, that in package SIunits.Conversions, functions are provided to convert between the units Kelvin, degree Celsius, degree Fahrenheit, and degree Rankine. These functions allow, e.g., a direct conversion of units at all places where Kelvin is required as parameter. Example:
import SIunits.Conversions.*; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.HeatCapacitor C(T0 = from_degC(20));
Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).
Name | Description |
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Conversion block from degCelsius to Kelvin |
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Conversion from Kelvin to degCelsius |
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Fixed temperature boundary condition in degree Celsius |
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Variable temperature boundary condition in degCelsius |
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Absolute temperature sensor in degCelsius |
Conversion block from degCelsius to Kelvin
This component converts an input signal from Celsius to Kelvin and provide is as output signal.
Name | Description |
Celsius | [degC] |
Kelvin | [K] |
Conversion from Kelvin to degCelsius
This component converts an input signal from Kelvin to Celsius and provides is as output signal.
Name | Description |
Kelvin | [K] |
Celsius | [degC] |
Fixed temperature boundary condition in degree Celsius
This model defines a fixed temperature T at its port in [degC], i.e., it defines a fixed temperature as a boundary condition.
Name | Description |
T | Fixed Temperature at the port [degC] |
Name | Description |
port |
Variable temperature boundary condition in degCelsius
This model represents a variable temperature boundary condition The temperature value in [degC] is given by the input signal to the model. The effect is that an instance of this model acts as an infinite reservoir able to absorb or generate as much energy as required to keep the temperature at the specified value.
Name | Description |
port | |
T | [degC] |
Absolute temperature sensor in degCelsius
This is an ideal absolute temperature sensor which returns the temperature of the connected port in Celsius as an output signal. The sensor itself has no thermal interaction with whatever it is connected to. Furthermore, no thermocouple-like lags are associated with this sensor model.
Name | Description |
T | Absolute temperature in degree Celsius as output signal [degC] |
port |