Components to be used in examples
Name | Description |
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Single Phase transformer with ferromagnetic core and hysteresis |
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Three phase transfomer in Yy configuration |
Single Phase transformer with ferromagnetic core and hysteresis
Simple model of a single phase transformer with a primary and a secondary winding and a magnetic core. The core is modeled with GenericHystTellinenEverett flux tube elements. Thus, this element considers static and dynamic hysteresis.
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Extends from Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).
Name | Description |
Electrical | |
Primary Winding | |
N_p | Primary turns |
l_p | Mean primary turn length [m] |
d_p | Wire diameter of primary turns [m] |
rho_p | Resistivity of primary winding (at 20degC) [Ohm.m] |
alpha_p | Temperature coefficient of primary turns [1/K] |
Secondary Winding | |
N_s | Secondary turns |
l_s | Mean secondary turn length [m] |
d_s | Wire diameter of secondary turns [m] |
rho_s | Resistivity of secondary winding (at 20degC) [Ohm.m] |
alpha_s | Temperature coefficient of secondary turns [1/K] |
Core | |
Geometry | |
l1 | Mean Length l1 of core [m] |
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l2 | Mean Length l2 of core [m] |
a | Height of core [m] |
b | Width of core [m] |
Material | |
mat | Parameter set of ferromagnetic Hysteresis |
Initialization | |
MagRelStart | Initial magnetization of Core (-1..1) |
MagRelFixed | Fixed |
HStart | Initial magnetic field strength of Core [A/m] |
HFixed | Fixed |
IpStart | Initial primary current through winding [A] |
IpFixed | Fixed |
Losses and Heat | |
HeatPort | |
useHeatPort | =true, if HeatPort is enabled |
T | Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K] |
Eddy Currents | |
EddyCurrents | Enable eddy currents |
sigma | Conductivity of core material [S/m] |
t | Tickness of lamination [m] |
Leakage | |
L_lp | Length of leakage of primary Winding [m] |
A_lp | Cross section of leakage of primary Winding [m2] |
mu_relp | Constant relative permeability of primary leakage (>0 required) |
L_ls | Length of leakage of secondary Winding [m] |
A_ls | Cross section of leakage of secondary Winding [m2] |
mu_rels | Constant relative permeability of secondary leakage (>0 required) |
Name | Description |
p_N | Negativ Pin of primary Winding |
p_A | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
p_n | Negative Pin of secondary Winding |
p_a | Positive Pin of secondary Winding |
heatPort |
Three phase transfomer in Yy configuration
Simple model of a three phase transformer with primary and a secondary windings and a magnetic E-I shaped core. The core is modeled with GenericHystTellinenEverett flux tube elements. Thus, this model considers static and dynamic hysteresis as well as initial flux.
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Extends from Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).
Name | Description |
Electrical | |
Primary Winding | |
N_p | Primary turns |
l_p | Mean primary turn length [m] |
d_p | Wire diameter of primary turns [m] |
rho_p | Resistivity of primary winding (at 20degC) [Ohm.m] |
alpha_p | Temperature coefficient of primary turns [1/K] |
Secondary Winding | |
N_s | Secondary turns |
l_s | Mean secondary turn length [m] |
d_s | Wire diameter of secondary turns [m] |
rho_s | Resistivity of secondary winding (at 20degC) [Ohm.m] |
alpha_s | Temperature coefficient of secondary turns [1/K] |
Core | |
Geometry | |
l1 | Mean length l1 of core [m] |
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l2 | Mean length l2 of core [m] |
a | Height of core [m] |
b | Width of core [m] |
Material | |
mat | Core Material |
Initialization | |
MagRelStart[3] | Initial magnetization of Core (-1..1) |
MagRelFixed[3] | Fixed |
HStart[3] | Initial magnetic field strength of Core [A/m] |
HFixed[3] | Fixed |
IprimStart[3] | Initial current of primary Windings [A] |
IprimFixed[3] | Fixed |
IsecStart[3] | Initial current of secondary Windings [A] |
IsecFixed[3] | Fixed |
Losses and Heat | |
HeatPort | |
useHeatPort | =true, if HeatPort is enabled |
T | Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K] |
Eddy Currents | |
EddyCurrents | Enable eddy currents |
sigma | Conductivity of core material [S/m] |
t | Tickness of lamination [m] |
Leakage | |
L_lp | Length of leakage of primary Winding [m] |
A_lp | Cross section of leakage of primary Winding [m2] |
mu_relp | Constant relative permeability of primary leakage (>0 required) |
L_ls | Cross section of leakage of secondary Winding [m] |
A_ls | Length of leakage of secondary Winding [m2] |
mu_rels | Constant relative permeability of secondary leakage (>0 required) |
Name | Description |
heatPort | |
p_A | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
p_B | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
p_C | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
p_a | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
p_b | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
p_c | Positive Pin of primary Winding |
pn | Star point of secondary windings |
pN | Star point of primary windings |