SpacePhasor connector and PartialMachines
Extends from Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage (Icon for packages containing interfaces).
Name | Description |
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Connector for Space Phasors |
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Partial model for all machines |
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Partial model for induction machine |
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Interfaces and partial models for induction machines |
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Partial model for DC machine |
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Thermal ports of DC machines |
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Partial model of three-phase transformer |
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Thermal port of transformers |
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Power balance of transformers |
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Shaft and support |
Connector for Space Phasors
Name | Description |
v_[2] | 1=real, 2=imaginary part [V] |
i_[2] | 1=real, 2=imaginary part [A] |
Partial model for all machines
Extends from Machines.Icons.TransientMachine.
Name | Description |
Jr | Rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction loss parameter record |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
Partial model for induction machine
Extends from PartialBasicMachine (Partial model for all machines).
Name | Description |
p | Number of pole pairs (Integer) |
fsNominal | Nominal frequency [Hz] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
powerBalance | Power balance |
thermalPort | |
thermalAmbient | |
Operational temperatures | |
TsOperational | Operational temperature of stator resistance [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
Rs | Stator resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] |
TsRef | Reference temperature of stator resistance [K] |
alpha20s | Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
Lszero | Stator zero sequence inductance [H] |
Lssigma | Stator stray inductance per phase [H] |
Losses | |
statorCoreParameters | Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load loss parameter record |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
plug_sp | Positive stator plug |
plug_sn | Negative stator plug |
thermalPort |
Partial model for DC machine
Extends from PartialBasicMachine (Partial model for all machines).
Name | Description |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
powerBalance | Power balance |
thermalPort | |
thermalAmbient | |
Operational temperatures | |
TaOperational | Operational armature temperature [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
Nominal parameters | |
VaNominal | Nominal armature voltage [V] |
IaNominal | Nominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A] |
wNominal | Nominal speed [rad/s] |
TaNominal | Nominal armature temperature [K] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
Ra | Armature resistance at TRef [Ohm] |
TaRef | Reference temperature of armature resistance [K] |
alpha20a | Temperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K] |
La | Armature inductance [H] |
Losses | |
coreParameters | Armature core loss parameter record |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load loss parameter record |
brushParameters | Brush loss parameter record |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
pin_ap | Positive armature pin |
pin_an | Negative armature pin |
thermalPort |
Partial model of three-phase transformer
turns ratio n | 1 | |
nominal frequency fNominal | 50 | Hz |
nominal voltage per phase | 100 | V RMS |
nominal current per phase | 100 | A RMS |
nominal apparent power | 30 | kVA |
primary resistance R1 | 0.005 | Ohm per phase at reference temperature |
reference temperature T1Ref | 20 | °C |
temperature coefficient alpha20_1 | 0 | 1/K |
primary stray inductance L1sigma | 78E-6 | H per phase |
secondary resistance R2 | 0.005 | Ohm per phase at reference temperature |
reference temperature T2Ref | 20 | °C |
temperature coefficient alpha20_2 | 0 | 1/K |
secondary stray inductance L2sigma | 78E-6 | H per phase |
operational temperature T1Operational | 20 | °C |
operational temperature T2Operational | 20 | °C |
These values give the operational parameters: | ||
nominal voltage drop | 0.05 | p.u. |
nominal copper losses | 300 | W |
Extends from Machines.Icons.TransientTransformer.
Name | Description |
n | Ratio primary voltage (line-to-line) / secondary voltage (line-to-line) |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Operational temperatures | |
T1Operational | Operational temperature of primary resistance [K] |
T2Operational | Operational temperature of secondary resistance [K] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
R1 | Primary resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] |
T1Ref | Reference temperature of primary resistance [K] |
alpha20_1 | Temperature coefficient of primary resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
L1sigma | Primary stray inductance per phase [H] |
R2 | Secondary resistance per phase at TRef [Ohm] |
T2Ref | Reference temperature of secondary resistance [K] |
alpha20_2 | Temperature coefficient of secondary resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
L2sigma | Secondary stray inductance per phase [H] |
Name | Description |
plug1 | Primary plug |
plug2 | Secondary plug |
thermalPort |
Thermal port of transformers
Name | Description |
m | number of phases |
Name | Description |
m | number of phases |
heatPort1[m] | Heat port of primary windings |
heatPort2[m] | Heat port of secondary windings |
heatPortCore | Heat port of (optional) core losses |
Power balance of transformers
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Shaft and support
This partial model defines shaft and housing connector for loss models.
Positive torque tau
acts as braking torque.
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft end |
support | Housing and support |