
Models of quasistationary DC machines


This package contains quasistationary models of DC machines; these models are fully compatible with the transient machine models of DC machines; the only difference is that electrical transients are neglected.

Please note:

Quasistationary DC machine models are basically different from quasistationary induction machine models: Quasistationary DC machine models neglect electrical transients, i.e., setting der(i) = 0, whereas quasistationary induction machine models are based on time phasor theory, see QuasiStationary Library, where e.g., L*der(i) is replaced by j*omega*L*(I_re+j*I_im).

Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Content

Name Description
Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet DC_PermanentMagnet Quasistationary permanent magnet DC machine
Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited DC_ElectricalExcited Quasistationary electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine
Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited DC_SeriesExcited Quasistationary series excited linear DC machine

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet

Quasistationary permanent magnet DC machine


Quasistationary model of a DC Machine with permanent magnets.
This model is fully compatible with the transient machine model of a DC machine with permanent magnets; the only difference is that electrical transients are neglected.

Extends from Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_PermanentMagnet (Permanent magnet DC machine), Machines.Icons.QuasiStationaryMachine.


JrRotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
useSupportEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
JsStator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
useThermalPortEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
Operational temperatures
TaOperationalOperational armature temperature [K]
phiMechanicalMechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad]
wMechanicalMechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s]
iaArmature current [A]
Nominal parameters
VaNominalNominal armature voltage [V]
IaNominalNominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A]
wNominalNominal speed [rad/s]
TaNominalNominal armature temperature [K]
Nominal resistances and inductances
RaArmature resistance at TRef [Ohm]
TaRefReference temperature of armature resistance [K]
alpha20aTemperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K]
LaArmature inductance [H]
frictionParametersFriction loss parameter record
coreParametersArmature core loss parameter record
strayLoadParametersStray load loss parameter record
brushParametersBrush loss parameter record


supportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
pin_apPositive armature pin
pin_anNegative armature pin

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited

Quasistationary electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine


Quasistationary model of a DC Machine with electrical shunt or separate excitation.
This model is fully compatible with the transient machine model of a DC machine with electrical shunt or separate excitation; the only difference is that electrical transients are neglected.

Extends from Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_ElectricalExcited (Electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine), Machines.Icons.QuasiStationaryMachine.


JrRotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
useSupportEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
JsStator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
useThermalPortEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
Operational temperatures
TaOperationalOperational armature temperature [K]
TeOperationalOperational (shunt) excitation temperature [K]
phiMechanicalMechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad]
wMechanicalMechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s]
iaArmature current [A]
ieField excitation current [A]
Nominal parameters
VaNominalNominal armature voltage [V]
IaNominalNominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A]
wNominalNominal speed [rad/s]
TaNominalNominal armature temperature [K]
Nominal resistances and inductances
RaArmature resistance at TRef [Ohm]
TaRefReference temperature of armature resistance [K]
alpha20aTemperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K]
LaArmature inductance [H]
frictionParametersFriction loss parameter record
coreParametersArmature core loss parameter record
strayLoadParametersStray load loss parameter record
brushParametersBrush loss parameter record
IeNominalNominal excitation current [A]
ReField excitation resistance at TRef [Ohm]
TeRefReference temperature of excitation resistance [K]
alpha20eTemperature coefficient of excitation resistance [1/K]
LeTotal field excitation inductance [H]
sigmaeStray fraction of total excitation inductance


supportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
pin_apPositive armature pin
pin_anNegative armature pin
pin_epPositive excitation pin
pin_enNegative excitation pin

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.QuasiStationaryDCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited

Quasistationary series excited linear DC machine


Quasistationary model of a DC Machine with Series excitation.
This model is fully compatible with the transient machine model of a DC machine with with series excitation; the only difference is that electrical transients are neglected.

Extends from Machines.BasicMachines.DCMachines.DC_SeriesExcited (Series excited linear DC machine), Machines.Icons.QuasiStationaryMachine.


JrRotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
useSupportEnable / disable (=fixed stator) support
JsStator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
useThermalPortEnable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port
Operational temperatures
TaOperationalOperational armature temperature [K]
TeOperationalOperational series excitation temperature [K]
phiMechanicalMechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad]
wMechanicalMechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s]
iaArmature current [A]
Nominal parameters
VaNominalNominal armature voltage [V]
IaNominalNominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A]
wNominalNominal speed [rad/s]
TaNominalNominal armature temperature [K]
TeNominalNominal series excitation temperature [K]
Nominal resistances and inductances
RaArmature resistance at TRef [Ohm]
TaRefReference temperature of armature resistance [K]
alpha20aTemperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K]
LaArmature inductance [H]
frictionParametersFriction loss parameter record
coreParametersArmature core loss parameter record
strayLoadParametersStray load loss parameter record
brushParametersBrush loss parameter record
ReSeries excitation resistance at TRef [Ohm]
TeRefReference temperature of excitation resistance [K]
alpha20eTemperature coefficient of excitation resistance [1/K]
LeTotal field excitation inductance [H]
sigmaeStray fraction of total excitation inductance


supportSupport at which the reaction torque is acting
pin_apPositive armature pin
pin_anNegative armature pin
pin_epPositive series excitation pin
pin_enNegative series excitation pin
Automatically generated Tue Apr 05 09:36:20 2016.